Distance Energy Healing
Chakra clearing and balancing
Spiritual Mentoring
Relationship clearing & healing
Healing trauma
Supporting change
Healing self esteem issues
Overcoming people pleasing
Support during health crisis
Ongoing medical support for chronic conditions
Pet chakra cleansing
Relationship healing between pets
Owner relationship healing with pet
Healings for owners
* $50 per healing
* 20% discount for block of 4 sessions Discount price $160
* Further 10% discount for paid in advance 12 month, 6 month or 3 month packages of blocks of 4 sessions
Blocks of 4 healings can be used as a combination of Pets, Relationships and People healings.
$3360 - 12 months
$1680 - 6 months
$840 - 3 months
Works out $140 for 4 sessions a fortnight paid in advance.
Human Clients have said they felt lighter after a Energy Sweep and Chakra balance.
A life changing moment and deep connection to the self, more energy and clarity about their life has been a few outcomes from just one sweep.
Other clients like to have regular sweeps for themselves ahd their pets with the blocks of 4 sessions.
Many clients with animals that have chronic health or behaviour issues find two or three months of regular healings help the chakras . With regular healings the Energy body, mind and spirit of the animals start to balance and integrates the healing.
The full fur family healings have been great with supporting a client through the grief her and her dog had after losing the other dog they loved so much.
Ongoing healings have allowed the relationship to change between them and stopped aggression during feet treatment. At the same time they have been able to accept another new dog into the home. Another rescue dog with issues of chewing and so we have worked on that. Full fur family healings also include healing for the human which has brought so much change to other aspects of her life. This has helped the dogs too.
A fur family includes the humans and dogs which covers more work than can be done on just the Pet. Our pets are trying to show us things about ourselves.
When animals act strangely out of character or don't settle after being in a shelter is a great opportunity for healing for everyone in the family.
i find Energy sweeps can allow peace to grow within myself which means i can handle whatever life throws at me allot easier.
The same is said for our pets and our relationship with our pets. Peace is a amazing energy to work with and a peaceful life is happy life.
Peace starts within - my mission is to help animals and people by bringing full fur family healing to as many fur families as possible.
We are all multi dimensional beings and so everything is energy including our relationships. Working on the energy can change, refocus and balance out mind, body and energy body.
* Disclaimer:
Energy sweeps are a holistic treatment and not a substitute for proper Medical or Veterinary care .